Our Board

Board President: Eve Devitt

Eve (18) is a senior at Boise High School. She is an actress, poet, and activist who has spoken publicly about her experiences as a young trans woman and testified against legislation that would seek to limit transgender rights in Idaho since 2020.

Devitt will also receive a $2500 honorary scholarship from the fund when she graduates from Boise High in May. 

Lauren Legarreta

Lauren (18) is a first year at Northern Arizona University. She is passionate about advocating for human rights and environmental conservation alongside her peers. She graduated from Boise High in 2023.

Phoenix McCoubrey

Phoenix (18) is a first year at Portland State University and advocate for transgender rights and diversity in music. In his free time he enjoys weeving and playing violin. He graduated from Borah High in 2023.

Shiva Rajbhandari

Shiva (19) is a first year at UNC Chapel Hill and a leading climate activist in Idaho. He hopes to build a democracy and world where everyone has the opportunities and support they need to succeed.

Ella Weber

Ella (21) is a senior at the University of Idaho studying Political Science and Philosophy. Ella is passionate about creating positive change in rural communities and helping others find their voice in advocacy and activism.